Alumni S-1 Psikologi Tahun 2018**Name**: DEWI SRIMAN JAYA HULU, S.Psi
**Place/Date of Birth**: North Nias, March 10, 1995
**Gender**: Male
**Religion**: Christian
**Alumnus**: Psychology, Class of 2018
**Occupation**: Civil Servant (PNS)
**Position**: Guidance and Counseling Teacher
“Hello, my name is Dewi Sriman Jaya Hulu. I am a 2018 graduate of the Psychology program at Universitas Sari Mutiara Indonesia. Currently, I work as a Guidance and Counseling Teacher at SMK Negeri 1 Lotu under the Department of Education of North Sumatra Province. I was appointed as a Civil Servant (PNS) in 2019 under the 2018 formation. In my daily work, I must be on standby at school, where I handle students with problems or those in need of assistance and provide lessons in class to help them grow into more character-driven individuals. Through psychology, I also learned guidance and counseling, which has equipped me to work at school as a counselor (Guidance Teacher). The services I provide include: Individual Counseling, Group Counseling, Group Guidance, and Classroom Guidance. I am proud to be an alumnus of USM Indonesia.”