Vision and Mission
To become a superior university, with character, and globally competitive by 2038.
- To provide high-quality higher education that is cultured, characterized, and aimed at enhancing the nation’s competitiveness;
- To conduct research and community service that benefits the development of science and technology as well as the welfare of humanity;
- To implement transparent, fair, responsible, and credible university governance;
- To establish collaborations with various institutions, both domestic and international.
- To produce graduates who are superior, cultured, characterized, and globally competitive;
- To produce research and community service that benefits the development of science and/or technology, published through nationally accredited and/or reputable international journals;
- To achieve transparent, fair, responsible, and credible higher education governance;
- To establish productive and mutually beneficial collaborations with various parties, both domestic and international, in the implementation of the university’s tridharma (three pillars of higher education).
- To produce graduates who are superior, characterized, competitive, hardworking, adaptive, honest, and cooperative;
- To produce graduates with creative and innovative professional competencies;
- To produce graduates who are able to communicate and collaborate;
- To integrate the learning process and soft skills in building graduates who are superior, characterized, and globally competitive;
- To implement an interdisciplinary learning process;
- To offer outstanding undergraduate (S1) and graduate (S2) programs;
- To improve the quality of prospective student intake;
- To develop human resources (HR), both lecturers and educational staff, in accordance with educational standards and government regulations;
- To provide educational facilities and infrastructure, including libraries and laboratories, in accordance with government standards and regulations;
- To implement the use of ICT in managing and processing education;
- To produce research and community service that contributes to the development of science and benefits society;
- To obtain recognition for Intellectual Property Rights (IPR);
- To implement good governance (GUG);
- To ensure the implementation of quality, efficient, and effective education oriented towards KKNI, SNPT, and the principles of GUG;
- To secure operational funding from grants and university business entities;
- To achieve a high level of satisfaction from the academic community and stakeholders regarding academic performance;
- To ensure the sustainable development and management of assets, facilities, and infrastructure;
- To establish an internal quality assurance system and continuous monitoring and evaluation;
- To implement partnership collaborations with various educational institutions, government bodies, and industries, both domestically and internationally.